Tag: Set-PnPList

Disable Quick property editing (Grid view) from SharePoint Online list

Disable Quick property editing (Grid view) from SharePoint Online list

SharePoint Online and Microsoft Lists offers a multitude of features to enhance collaboration and streamline data management. One such feature is the Quick Property Editing (Edit in Grid view), which allows users to bulk edit metadata for multiple list items directly from the list view. While this feature can improve efficiency, there are scenarios where disabling it becomes necessary. In this blog post, we'll explore various methods to achieve this in SharePoint Online.

Change SharePoint Online List URL using PnP PowerShell

Change SharePoint Online List URL using PnP PowerShell

When you create a new list in SharePoint Online site, the list URL is automatically generated based on the name you provide while list creation. SharePoint uses a process called URL encoding to ensure that the URL is valid and does not contain any special characters that could cause problems.